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Please contact us about questions around reporting anti-gay and anti-trans violence. We work together with the police. We’ll support you! 

Landeskoordination Anti-Gewalt-Arbeit           +49-(0)221 – 27 66 999 – 0

für Lesben, Schwule und Trans* in NRW

Rubensstraße 8-10

50676 Köln


Gefördert vom:

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What is this about? 

Nobody has to tolerate being insulted, spat at or being physically attacked because of their sexuality or gender identity. Insults are relevant under criminal law, because anti-gay and anti-trans violence are categorized as politically motivated criminal offence.


Call 110 to inform the police if you are a victim of or witness to a crime – even if it isn‘t directed against you or your friends. 

How do I do that? 


ou can report a crime to any police station, as well as online


Generally, crime should be reported as quickly as possible. But you can also make a report days, weeks or months after an incident. In case of emergency, call 110 for help.

Information and advice on how to report violence against lesbian,

gay, trans and

queer people

I will report this!

… even if I can’t give an exact description of the offender(s) or don’t have any witnesses! Frequently, persistent offenders can be identified if several reports are made.


… even if I am not sure the offender(s) can be found! Without my initiative, nothing will happen. If I make a report, the police will know where and when criminal offences against lesbian, gay, trans and queer people are committed. That’s relevant for prosecution and also for statistical purposes.


… even if nobody might be punished! The number of unreported cases for anti-gay and anti-trans crime is assumed to be disproportionately high. By reporting a crime, I can increase the visibility of violence based on sexuality and gender identity.


Print-Products & Commercials for the project!


The campaign is accompanied by a series of postcards addressing lesbians, gays, trans*, inter* and queer people, as well as their friends and supporters. You can order these free of charge from the Landeskoordination. There is also a leaflet with all the information and a business card with the most important tips.

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Your gender doesn’t fit in a box? Nobody has the right to insult or physically attack you because of that.

You can wear anything! Nobody has the right to insult or physically attack you because of your clothing and make-up.

Nobody has the right to insult or physically attack you because of your sexuality.



Landeskoordination Anti-Gewalt-Arbeit

für Lesben, Schwule und Trans* in NRW

Rubensstraße 8-10, 50676 Köln


+49-(0)221 – 27 66 999 – 0

Inhaltlich Verantwortliche

nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: 
Dipl. Soz.-Wiss. Meike Nienhaus
Geschäftsführung rubicon e. V.

Dienstanbieter von
Sitz und Registergericht: Köln
Vereinsregister: VR 7239

Verantwortlich für die Inhalte:
Meike Nienhaus


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